Join TODAY to receive an exclusive invite to our Members Christmas Open Training session.
Held annually at our training base in Parramatta, the Christmas Event is always one of the highlights of year as our Members mingle with the squad and celebrate the start of a new season.
Whilst the boys in Blue & Gold tough it out in a gruelling preseason training session, our Members are invited to indulge in a BBQ breakfast complimentary of the Eels. Grab a photo with Sparky and Sparkles or enjoy the special appearance from Santa.
Becoming a Member of the Blue and Gold Army NOW you will receive:
- An exclusive invitation to the Members Christmas Open Training Session
- Priority Seating Status at the NEW Western Sydney Stadium in 2019!
- 2018 Members Pack with NEW inclusions
- Access to up to 14 Games at ANZ Stadium, including the Sydney Double Header
- Plus Much More!
Join now from just $5 per month at membership.parraeels.com.au