The Parramatta Eels are excited to announce the launch of our Member Loyalty Program in 2019. The Parramatta Eels have the most passionate and loyal Members in the NRL and the loyalty program recognises the contributions and support of our dedicated Members.
Our Loyalty Program was developed using direct feedback from the Parramatta Eels Member Council and Members. When developing our loyalty program, we consulted extensively with our Member Council to gain insight into the desires of Members and ensure that our program would be one that our Members would love. They provided us with feedback that our Members love intimate experiences where they can interact with the team and senior staff, and get an inside look at Eels HQ. We love our Members and after receiving this feedback we wanted to use our Loyalty Program as an opportunity to invite our Members to exclusive intimate events that they have never before experienced.
Our Loyalty Program focuses on celebrating Membership Milestones. Members who reach their 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 & 50th year of consecutive Membership will receive a recognition of Loyalty Certificate.
As well as this, when Members reach their 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50th year of consecutive Membership, they will be invited to take part in their preferred experience. Our decision to focus on Milestones is to celebrate the accomplishment of reaching a significant year of continuous Membership and ensure experiences would be intimate and exclusive.
In addition to our Milestone experiences, all Members who have 10 plus years continuous Membership will proudly have their names displayed on our Member Loyalty Banner, which will be displayed at all Eels home games in 2019.
Members with over 40 years’ continuous tenure will be invited to be part of an exclusive on field experience at a home match and Members with over 50 years’ continuous tenure will be invited to an exclusive brunch with Parramatta Eels CEO Bernie Gurr.
We love our Members. They are the heart and soul of our Football Club. Whether playing at home or away, our Blue and Gold Army are always passionately cheering and supporting the team and we are incredibly grateful for the role they play in our Football Club. We look forward to celebrating Members who have achieved a Membership Milestone in 2019.
Members who reach one of these Milestones in 2019 will be contacted at a future time to be informed of further information about their exclusive Milestone event.